Dear Parents and Carers,
We have come to the end of another eventful week at Chalkhill. Some of our classes went out for a variety of trips. Today one of our Year 5 classes went to the Science Museum; at the time of writing they were not back yet; they were exceedingly excited about going.
On Wednesday evening Year 5 and Year 6 went to attend ‘The Little Mermaid’ pantomime in Central London. The children could not stop talking about it in the following days. A massive thank you to all the adults who took our children to the Science museum and pantomime. A special thanks to Mrs Anthony for her generous selfless actions on Wednesday.
This week also marked the beginning of the school’s work on anti-racism. This involved an assembly for Years 3-6 conducted by a renowned facilitator, Krystal Rubie which was very well received by our staff and children. A lot was shared and learnt in the twilight session for staff.
Next week Chalkhill Primary School will be holding a bookfair week commencing Monday 3rd February – Friday 7th February 2024 in the community room, more details will follow in next weeks Newsletters.
Also next week Class 1G will be performing their assembly on Friday 31st January (1G parents are invited).
Have a restful weekend.
Kind regards
Mr Cloete