Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)

All Brent maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and are supported by the local authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with SEND being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen. The local authority has described their local offer for children and young people from 0 to 25 with SEND and their families in Brent schools http://www.brent.gov.uk/localoffer.

We Chalkhill Primary School  are a fully inclusive school which ensures that all pupils achieve their potential, personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum (regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs).

Please read the document to give you information regarding the ways in which we ensure we support all of our pupils including those with SEN and disabilities, in order that they can reach their full potential.

Downloads & Contacts:

The School’s SEND Offer should be read in consultation with other key school policies that are accessible on the schools website.

Talk to us:

Ms Malini Sarkar is the school’s SENCO. If you wish to discuss anything related to the school’s SEND provision, please contact him on either: senco@chalkhill.brent.sch.uk or call on: 020 8904 4508

For more information on Brent’s Local offer, visit: www.brent.gov.uk/localoffer

we are committed to providing the right education for our pupils.  We are a fully inclusive school that welcomes and celebrates diversity. All Brent maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.