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Curriculum Overviews

School Curriculum Intent

  • We believe that every child should enjoy learning and receive a first class education through high quality experiences and enrichment opportunities that embed life- long learning. Therefore, our school environment has been improved significantly over a number of years to reflect our high expectations for the community and to provide wider curriculum opportunities, including a sports hall, music studio, multi-media studio, library and accessibility for all pupils.

  • Our curriculum is ambitious and lays the foundation for improved future success. It is designed to nurture creativity and to be inclusive of pupils’ diverse needs and backgrounds. The ability to learn transferable skills- to become an independent, inquisitive, learner- is a core aim of our curriculum.

  • We aim to overturn inequality by ensuring that all pupils, regardless of circumstance, have every opportunity to succeed and thrive. Every child is recognised as a unique individual and we celebrate our differences within our diverse school community.

  • We recognise the rich cultural background of our community; therefore, language opportunities are embedded across the curriculum so that we are fluent in Standard English. British values are at the core of all we do whether it be through our assemblies, our RE curriculum, our personal, social, health and citizenship lessons or through other areas of the curriculum.

  • We value the importance of our pupils recognising their own heritage in the curriculum. When learning about the significant achievements in human history, we encourage our pupils to recognise their own heritage and history within this. We firmly believe in the importance of developing a strong sense of identity and self-esteem in order for our children to have the highest aspirations.

  • We believe that the school work force and curriculum should reflect the community we serve; therefore, all groups are represented and the curriculum is purposefully developed to connect and engage pupil interests.

  • We respect parents as the first teachers of their children and aim to work with families to secure a learning and growing relationship together. Therefore, we operate an open door policy and welcome our parents into school. Parents are kept well informed about their child’s learning and progress through formal termly meetings.

  • Our intention is that through a broad curriculum offer, pupils create stems for their future careers. Careful consideration is given to the opportunities included in our curriculum offer, in order to broaden horizons including skills that will support future application into higher education at the best universities.

  • We believe that childhood should be a happy and enquiring time in our lives, that children should have a range of experiences that enhance their learning and expand their understanding and curiosity of the world around them.

  • Safeguarding is our number one priority. We believe that the health, safety and well-being of all our children are of paramount importance and therefore maintain a culture of vigilance at school and in the community. Effective safeguarding of children can only be achieved by putting children at the centre of the system as is reflected in our daily practice and embedded in every decision we make.

  • Given our context, the school vision, aims and ethos, outline the drive and ambition of staff and the community to overturn the deficit, accelerate progress and provide unique experiences, including cultural capital, to ensure each child has every opportunity to thrive and succeed in the 21st century. Therefore, our aim is to provide our children with rich, inspiring and evolving curriculum opportunities which build confidence, tolerance, resilience, communication, respect and readiness to contribute to society.

Through professional networking and ambitious target setting, stakeholders work collaboratively with leaders to achieve a common vision of excellence. This Vision underpins everything that we do.

For more information on the National curriculum, visit the website: